Thursday, April 23, 2020

Quick Salady Snack

Took less than 5 minutes to prepare.
I chopped up some snap peas and pickled carrots (I made about 1.5 months ago). Added some spicy Sriracha sauerkraut (I made about 3 months ago). Feta cheese. Roasted almonds (I try to always have a jar of these) and olive oil. A thick slice of sourdough bread.
Overall, this snake felt and tasted pretty good.

I acknowledge:
-the snap peas, I don't know where they came from other than a bag that says "Kroger"
-the carrots, grown with love and care from the Krishna Farm in Millcreek (thanks friends!)
-the cabbage from Peterson Family Farm, (Thanks Luke!)
-the almonds I enjoy despite the conflict I feel about the environmental impact they embody
-the olive oil from an unknown place
-the feta cheese from an unknown animal and place
-the wheat from King Arthur, that I fermented into a delicious sourdough loaf

Why do I post this? Central to my quest for a happier and ethical life is examining my approach to eating. I'm attempting to eat as ethically as I can, and I've found that ethical eating usually overlaps with healthy eating.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Here is a blog I will write on.

Here is the first post I have created.

I will write about many things in no particular order, following no particular theme.

I will attempt to authentically communicate my thoughts with whomever cares to know.

In case anything happens to me, if my life runs out and I am no longer able to share my thoughts, I hope that this will be an artifact that I can leave behind.

When that time comes, I hope that I will have adequately and sufficiently articulated what I want to say.

Quick Salady Snack

Took less than 5 minutes to prepare. I chopped up some snap peas and pickled carrots (I made about 1.5 months ago). Added some spicy Srir...